
What are you thankful for?

The EtsyChai team answers this question and offers some specials and promotions for shoppers this season.  Please remember to check individual Shop Announcements and Policies and even the comments of this post if you need more information or have questions.  Thank you!

“I am always most thankful for my family.
I will be offering free worldwide shipping in my shop Nov 27-30.
- Terri http://www.terrbear37.etsy.com


“I am thankful for my friends and family - and their heath, happiness and success.
I'll be offering a 25% discount (already reduced prices in my shop; don't have to wait for a PayPal refund).
- Judy Kaplan http://www.etsy.com/shop/silverdotjewelry


“I'm thankful for my health, my family, my friends, and my job.
I'm offering free shipping if "candles" is mentioned in the notes to seller, thru the last day of Hanukkah.”
Debba - http://www.etsy.com/shop/debbaworks


“I'm thankful for my DH and friends who listen to me go on about Etsy, EtsyChai and new creations. Plus, I'm thankful for the EtsyChai team and new online friends I'm making.
My sale is free shipping on items over $8 - Use "EtsyBloggers" in Notes to Seller.”
- Linda Blatchford http://lindab142.etsy.com


“I have a lot to be thankful for. I am blessed and take time to count my blessings every day. I am thankful for my family and friends who taught me how to love and give me support when times are tough; my home so I always have a safe place to go to; my job so I can support myself and help others less fortunate than me, and my health because without it, I couldn't do much of what I want to do.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
I am offering 20% off anything in the MissEileen store and free shipping (up to $6) in GoofingOff.”
- Eileen http://www.misseileen.etsy.com/  - http://www.goofingoff.etsy.com/


“I have so much to be thankful for! First, I have a very loving man to be my loving husband. He dotes on my and treats me like a princess. He stands for honor and integrity and leads our family with love and faithfulness to Torah. I have children who are kind and honest and think of others. I have a beautiful faithful dog that lives with us in our house in the beautiful woods of the Northwest. I am blessed to have a huge crowd of sincere friends, who are close to my heart. I am doing a job (teaching) that I will never want to retire from, because I love doing what I do. I am thankful for the gift of art and music and that I have a piano to go to. I am thankful for a good sense of humor and the ability to see the light side of things. I am thankful for the wisdom that comes with being over 50. I am also thankful for the good health our entire family enjoys. I am blessed! Very blessed!
I am offering 20% off any single item in my shop.”
- Christine http://www.beadsofparadiseshop.etsy.com/


I will offer free shipping on any item.”
-Lisa Fishman http://hautefelt.etsy.com


“I am thankful for my wonderful family, my terrific friends and to be able to enjoy life.
No sales. My shops have been depleted from craft shows and my special orders will keep me busy until New Years!”
- Barb http://blazingneedles.etsy.com  -  http://ChickadeeChic.etsy.com


“I am thankful for my wonderful and (supportive!) family and all of the other good things and people in my life... and my dog Harley, who always gives me a reason to smile :).
I am offering FREE SHIPPING on certain items (they are indicated) and a buy one, get one 1/2 half on the prints in my shop. Also… if you order a print you get a greeting card for FREE! Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving!
- Michele www.anothercreation.etsy.com


“I am thankful to be alive and without any cancer this year!
And for my beautiful son, and my family and friends of course!
And for beads!
I'm offering free shipping.”
- Anne Keller Smith http://www.downtoearthcreations.etsy.com


“I am thankful for my health and that of my family. We have had a few tenuous moments in this area over the past year and have not just survived but have come out of it stronger than ever.
Check shop announcement for special promotion.
Hema http://www.anjalicreations.etsy.com


“I'm thankful for my wonderful family -- especially my husband, who loves me and supports me in all my crazy endeavors.
I'm continuing to offer 20% purchases in my shop through Sunday, November 29 with the code word found in the EtsyChai blog put in the "message to seller". The discount will be applied via a PayPal invoice or refund.”
April http://agru.etsy.com/


“I'm thankful for my (very extended!) family and friends.
For the customers who buy from my shop, and those who send words of encouragement & appreciation.
For this laptop which I'm lucky enough to be able to use, my computer having crashed badly this a.m.
For all the art and music that brightens our lives and our house.
For being able to help provide winter clothes for my grandchildren.
For the beautiful earth we inhabit and the beautiful part of it we're lucky enough to occupy.
There's more, but that's a long enough list!
I'm continuing the 10% off on lions, the one free item in my shop (Findings) if you're the first to find it, and free shipping for a few lightweight items as second purchases.”
- Leslie http://www.siragwatkins.etsy.com  - http://www.leslietsy.etsy.com


“I’m thankful for my family and friends who are always so patient with me, and the EtsyChai members who let me blog for them!  I’m also thankful for the internet community, where I get to share and connect with like-minded folks.
See my shop for sale section and discounts whenever new items are listed.”
-Tammy http://www.tamdoll.etsy.com


"I am thankful for my beautiful daughter and her good health, my loving parents and their support of me, my husband and his love and affection. I am thankful for my creative energy on a good day, and friends and acquaintances that make my life richer."
Use the word 'candles' in your note to seller by 12/10 to receive 20% off the highest-price item in your order."
- Enid http://www.haleystudio.etsy.com/


*Please remember to check individual Shop Announcements and Policies and even the comments of this post if you need more information or have questions.  Thank you!


sandilw said...

I'm thankful for the friends I've made here and the fact that my girlfriend is recovering and may be released from the hospital soon and for all of the best Holiday wishes from family and friends. And, most of all I'm thankful for all the customers out there that have given so much love to the items I offer them.

Please visit my Etsy shop, A Cache Of Jewels http://www.acacheofjewels.etsy.com for wonderful items for dogs and their owners. Knitting Patterns, Dog Snoods and Knitting Needles.

Memories for Life said...

I am glad to see that family is on the top of everyone's list :)