
Member Focus on Tamar Hammer


In this new, weekly blog feature, you’ll be introduced to some of the EtsyChai team.  Read along and meet someone new…


tamarhammer.etsy.comTamar Hammer’s Art  shop is a beautiful mix of Judica art, Cards, Magnets, hand painted cutting boards and signs.   You’ll find whimsical paintings, greeting cards and magnets that are suitable for every occasion and also items for special events and holidays.

Some background from Tamar: “I graduated with a BFA from the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, Israel. Later I studied web-design, animation and graphic design. Today, I work as a freelancer illustrator, graphic designer and web-designer.”


How did you come to choose your craft or product?
I just do what I love to do. I love both to design stuff on the computer and to do “real” hand paintings – mostly acrylic on wood.


imageWhat is your favorite item in your shop right now?  The Mazel Tov Greeting Cards:


Do you have special items for holidays/Judaica?
I have 22 items of Judaica at my shop. I have items for the high holidays, Hanukkah and for every day.


How long have you been a seller on Etsy? 
One year (I also sell my cards at local stores here in Eugene, OR.)



image Why is EtsyChai important to you?
I create so many Judaic items - I want and need to have company of people that I would be able to share thoughts and ideas with.


What do you use for inspiration?
Travel in Oregon, with its magical landscapes and majestic nature, and the ancient sites of Israel.




Photos are so important; do you have any special process for taking yours?  Taking  pictures outside in day/sunlight.  You can use photo editor software to correct colors, light etc. 

Around the Web:

Tamar also blogs, and you can read about her family and creativity over here:

Tamar Hammer's Blog

You can also visit her Flickr photostream, here, at hammerillustrations.com, and as part of the Etsy Israel Team:
Etsy Israel Team


Linda B said...

Thanks for sharing this artisan's lovely work.

blazingneedles said...

Great blog post!! It is always interesting getting to know our fellow Etsians. And Tamar, your work is wonderful.

Tamar Hammer said...

Thank you for featuring my staff and thank you Linda and Christine for your warm comments!
L'shanah Tova Etsy Chai!