
A Month Away

The Jewish New Year is approaching quickly. For many Jews, it begins with Selichot services on September 12. For many, the High Holidays represent a time for teshuvah, to return to G-d, to ask for forgiveness of fellow humans and to start anew.

In this vein, the Etsy Chai team is undergoing a renewal of memberships, friendships and team participation. We hope that you’ll participate in the Yahoo email group, this blog and whatever promotions we decide to have. Please sign in to the yahoo email group and vote in the poll for the best time for the August meeting.


Kippah perfect for High Holidays Kippah

Wire pearl kippah Kippah 2


Jewish wine rings wine charms

Etsy Chai mug rugs

Patterns patterns

Purple Flowers card


Linda Blatchford
Jewelry Designer
EtsyChai team captain

1 comment:

blazingneedles said...

Great post! And thanks for including my "Chai 5" coasters.